Dr. Pablo Carpenetto is a Partner of the PASBBA Lawyers Firm in Rosario, specializing in Contracts, Business Consulting and Negotiation.

Dr. Alejandro M. Losito is part of the team of the PASBBA Lawyers Firm, a specialist in Corporate and Labor Law in Argentina.

Dr. Alejandro Lareo is part of the team of the PASBBA Lawyers Firm, a specialist in Corporate Law in Argentina.

Dr. Cecilia Muratorio is part of the team of the PASBBA Lawyers Firm, a specialist in Civil and Commercial Law in Argentina.

Dr. Laura Valencia is part of the team of the PASBBA Lawyers Firm, a specialist in Labor Law in Argentina.

Dr. Martín Alejandro Bello is part of the team of PASBBA Abogados Firm, a specialist in Corporate Law in Argentina.

Lucas J. Battiston - PASBBA Abogados

Dr. Lucas J. Battiston is part of the team of the PASBBA Lawyers Firm, a specialist in Labor Law in Argentina.

Sebastián A. Amoedo - PASBBA Abogados

+54 9 11 5263 3130 samoedo@pasbba.com.ar Sebastián AmoedoSebastián E. AmoedoPartner Education and Experience Lawyer, he graduated from the University of Buenos Aires in 1992. He conducts his professional activity providing services in the areas of Labor Law and Human Resources. He acted as a representative before the International Association of Labor Lawyers (IusLaboris – Venecia…

Dr. Pablo A. Pirovano is part of the team of the PASBBA Lawyers Firm, a specialist in Corporate Law in Argentina.

Ernesto Sanguinetti - PASBBA Abogados

Dr. Ernesto Sanguinetti is part of the team of the PASBBA Lawyers Firm, specialist in Labor and Corporate Law in Argentina.