Ernesto Sanguinetti - PASBBA Abogados

Ernesto Sanguinetti


Education and Experience

  • Lawyer, he graduated from the Universidad Nacional de Rosario in 1997.
  • Post graduate course in Labor Law and Labor Relations (Universidad Católica Argentina). 
  • Management Development Program (IAE BUSINESS SCHOOL)
  • He conducts his professional activity providing services as legal counsel and in the strategic planning area for several companies, rendering advice to boards of directors and management, with vast expertise in several fields, especially in the energy, metallurgic, gastronomic, call center and insurance areas, both of national and international origin.
  • He acts as legal counsel of the Argentine Chamber of Electronic, Electromechanical and Lighting Companies (“CADIEEL,” from the Spanish, “Cámara Argentina de Industrias Electrónicas, Electromecánicas y Luminotécnicas”), where he is responsible for the Labor Relations Committee.
  • He takes an active part in several corporate reorganization and business process reengineering, by giving assistance on legal planning, contingency analysis, and legal enforcement.
  • He actively participates in international affairs management (counsel and controversies) especially as regards the European Economic Union.
  • He acts as Joint Committee Member before the Association of Metallurgy Industries of the Republic of Argentina (“ADIMRA,” from the Spanish, “Asociación de Industriales Metalúrgicos de la República Argentina”).
  • He is a member of the Bar Association of the Federal Capital City.